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Shanties en Zeemansliederen ( Shanty Nederland )

Shanty Nederland heeft o.a. als doelstelling het zonder winstoogmerk, op verzoek van haar aangesloten leden, het beschikbaar stellen van Dp (Domaine Public) Shanty's en Seasongs uit haar archief. 

De inhoud van de collectie van Shanty Nederland mag alleen worden gebruikt voor persoonlijke doeleinden; e.g. persoonlijke studie of gebruik in eigen koor- en/of groep. Het gebruik voor commerciële doeleinden is niet toegestaan. Het is de gebruiker van de website niet toegestaan de inhoud van de website geheel of gedeeltelijk te reproduceren, over te dragen, te verspreiden, te bewaren of tegen vergoeding beschikbaar te stellen aan derden zonder de uitdrukkelijke toestemming van Shanty Nederland. 

Shanty Nederland spant zich in om haar collectie Shanty's en songteksten beschikbaar te stellen voor onderzoek in overeenstemming met alle mogelijk rechthebbenden. Wanneer iemand desondanks meent aanspraak te kunnen maken op rechten op materiaal op deze website wordt men verzocht contact op te nemen met Shanty Nederland.

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note was, and still is, a piece of paper given to a certain value, and handed to the sailor in the shipping office. Nowadays it represents one month's wages in advance, but in the days of sail, and long voyages, two, and very often three, months' advance was given the sailor, ostensibly to fit himself out with Cape Horn gear before em- barking on a long voyage. The shipowner would not redeem the 'note', as it was called, until the ship was under way and it was cer- tain that the sailor was aboard. Tailors and crimps, however, would offer to cash the note before the sailor joined the ship, so that he could have a booze-up and women, conjured up, of course by the tailor or crimp. The reader may think the tailor and the crimp ran a risk; perhaps the sailor would fail to join his ship. This, in actual fact, veiy rarely occurred; the tailors and crimps being too cute. What really happened was this. After the tailor—or crimp—got the note, he would see to it that the sailor had a night's orgy on doped booze, after which he or his runners would make sure the sailor was carried aboard and stayed aboard. On waking up aboard his ship the sailor- man would realize that all he had to show for his two months' wages —as yet not worked for—was a fat head, often a dose of pox, some second-hand gear, and a 'donkey's breakfast', or straw-filled mattress. Also he realized that all this rubbish and his night out had cost them but a sixteenth, perhaps, of his note. The crimp or tailor, and the mas- ter of his ship—who was often implicated in the deed—all benefiting from the note far more than he.
Gevonden alinea's: 2
Organisatie: Shanty Nederland
Shanties From The Seven Seas,
Shanties From The Seven Seas
Organisatie: Shanty Nederland
Shanties From The Seven Seas,
Shanties From The Seven Seas
Organisatie: Shanty Nederland
Shanties From The Seven Seas,
Shanties From The Seven Seas
Organisatie: Shanty Nederland