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Bestanden ( NIOD Instituut voor Oorlogs-, Holocaust- en Genocidestudies )

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140 Memo van A. Kind, hoofd van de afdeling internationaal recht van de openbare aanklager over getuigenverklaringen, juni 1945.
9 . rav3rtheles3 , intern^ition^l tribunals and coia^iissiuno havo 3o regularly hela aii^uavits zo oe adiiidsiblö in evidence that a cu3tori-..ry r^ie of international law noa probably sanctions it . In the very nature ci t-iings oucn courts have been compelled to Tfcly ufon c::-parte eviue'.ee for x.neir aeciüion . m sü.ae cases in - yhich no other evidence \; aD c^vailable even uns\rorn 3tu..to,lento and other raaterials of v^ricas r^inds has been admitted . ( 3andif'-. r ( 3andif'r ) , livlaenü ^ before Int-^^rn-^öiox-gj - TriJaxi-^-ls , p.io >. \* x'j,-, ore ( x'j,ore ) , EviöencL , p.1^6 ; Caldsra Cases , 1 ^ Court of Cl^i.as 5A-6 , óOo ; Studer Case ( Groat 3ritaiu-United otatws , Nielsen's Report , p.54S , at 552 , ncldinG , ho.i/ever , tnat ^ n unsworn statenenx filed by the claiLiant twenty years alter the ov^nt giving rise to the^claLa , was insufficient proof upon . vhich to base a judgiuent ) . In tne Studer casc , supra , the tribunal enphasized t.ht : caution // hich Diust be used in receivin -^ uns'worn declarations , which , in the absence of corrobor-^ting evidence has s^ldou been accepted as sufficient of itseif to -. stablish x fact in issue . { Sandifer , loc . cit .) . '.-' here , now^evv^r , the person frori ^ moj.i uns.iforn testi-' lony ( testilony ) c : lanatfed appearod to be untitled to credence and to be speaking f ro i personal icncwl.u^o of the facts , av>/ards have , upon occasion , b&cn based solely upon L,uon unsworn e^rid^ncö . Thus , in the PIanta-on Gessc11 schaf t caso before the Geraan-Venezuolan liixed Clairac Co"i mission , the sole ovidonce consisted of an un-sworn ( unsworn ) " letter or stateu^nt " by the laanaser of tne nacienda and certain unaut'iuntic^ted recoipts . ( Ralstcn's Report of Vc^nc^aue - -lan ( -lan ) Arbitr..tions , pp.631-632 - accord : Tn ^ Lasry caSe , r^coüniz-in3 ( r^coüniz-in3 ) that - greater w..ioht would be accorded to " aegal testi.iony pr
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500 Fase XIII/XIV (Over misdaden tegen burgers en krijgsgevangenen).
4 van 90