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107.166 Dutch-Asiatic shipping in the 17th and 18th centuries. Vol. 2. Outward-bound voyges from the Netherlands to Asia and the Cape (1595-1794) / ed. by J.R. Bruijn, F.S. Gaastra and I. Schöffer ; with assistance of E.S. van Eyck van Heslinga. - 1979
Dutch-Asiatic shipping in the 17th and 18th centuries. Vol. 2. Outward-bound voyges from the Netherlands to Asia and the Cape (1595-1794)
J.R. Bruijn; E.S. van Eyck van Heslinga; F.S. Gaastra; I. Schöffer
The Hague : Nijhoff, 1979
Collatie overig:
XI, 765 p. : tab. ; 28 cm
Rijks geschiedkundige publicatën : grote serie
Geografische namen:
Organisatie: Groninger Archieven