Uw zoekacties: Russian State Historical Archive (RGIA)

RGIA Russian State Historical Archive (RGIA) ( Nederland-Rusland Centrum (NRCe) )

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602. Office for Court Bankers (1780-1829)
602.1. Office for Court Bankers (1780-1829)
164 Journal of outgoing correspondence of A.N. Samoylov and commissioners concerning foreign loans to foreign bankers, envoys and other persons for regulation of money accounts /in accordance with/ the office of R. Sutherland. Letter for Nr.39 of the 31th of May 1794 by A.N. Samoylov to Amsterdam to banking-house Hope & Co. with the request to remit 2937 guilders to Venice banker /Reck/ through the instrumentality of Hope & Co. Letter for Nr.40 of the 18th of June 1794 by A.N. Samoylov to Amsterdam to banking-house Hope & Co. about remittances of money through the instrumentality of banking-house Hope & Co. Letter for Nr.44a of the 16th of July 1794 by A.N. Samoylov to Amsterdam to banking-house Hope & Co. about the sending of bills of exchange for different sums /to/ banking-house Hope & Co. for keeping at a special account "under the letter A". Accompanied by a list of bills of exchange, sent to a special account "under the letter A" (account of A.N. Samoylov at the banking-house Hope & Co.) "... and I request concerning the advancing to you of those sums as the above-mentioned, as also the money that will be remitted from me to you in future, to write it down at receipts at a special account, signifying that account with the letter A, money that shouldn't be used for nothing, but that has to be kept ready to be used for need, as prescribed by me..." Letter for Nr.56 of the 30th of July 1794 by A.H. Samoylov to bankers Hope & Co. about the departure of courier Wulf to them with financial correspondence for banking-house Hope & Co. Handwritten original. Copies.
219 Extracts from letters of different persons, notes and other materials concerning the liquidation of the matters of the office of baron R. Sutherland. Extract from a letter of the 31st of March 1794 by Amsterdam bankers Hope & Co. about the matters of the office of late baron R. Sutherland, with enclosure of calculations of the debts and capital of banker R. Sutherland. Notes about the Dutch loans of 1788-1792, realized through the instrumentality of Hope & Co., Regny & Co. and banker de Wolf. Extract about provision of baron R. Sutherland from the loans realized by him in the period 1788-1792 outside the State. Note about funds and inspected accounts of bankers Hope & Co. for the 5th of November 1793. Comments from the letters of Hope & Co. about the satisfactory management of affairs by banker R. Sutherland. Letter by bankers Hope & Co. of the 16th of May 1794 to the /Committee of/ State Expenses with the request to settle the accounts of debtors of A. Sutherland trough Russian financial institutions. Reply from members of the /Committee of/ State Expenses to the letter of the 16th of May 1794 by bankers Hope & Co. Translation into Russian of a letter by Hope & Co. (without a date) to A.N. Samaylov (received by him on the 22nd of March 1794) about the desire to continue the financial operations in Russia and about the financial activities of banker /Voute/. Letter of the 28th of April 1794 in French by /Voute/ to Her Imperial Highness with enclosure of a letter of Hope & Co. of the 31st of March 1794.
276 Letters by /S. Grey/ to R. Sutherland concerning business matters for 1788. Handwritten original.
RGIA Russian State Historical Archive (RGIA)
602. Office for Court Bankers (1780-1829)
602.1. Office for Court Bankers (1780-1829)
Letters by /S. Grey/ to R. Sutherland concerning business matters for 1788. Handwritten original.
30 May - 8 June 1788
data na laten checken
Number of pages:


State Archives, Dynastic ties, Banks, (small) business enterprises, etc.
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