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Bibliotheek ( Hoogheemraadschap van Rijnland )

B8447 Status Loss Due to the Ecological Succes. Landscape Change and the Spread of the Rabbit
Status Loss Due to the Ecological Succes. Landscape Change and the Spread of the Rabbit
This article focuses on the early modern history of the rabbit in England, France, Flanders and Holland, as a case in the long-term dynamics between society and nature. How and why did the rabbit spread and what was the role of humans? Deforestation, the spread of agriculture and the set up of warrens were key elements that created a new habitat for the rabbit. Investments in promoting rabbits were market driven. The rabbit provided a welcome resource of fur and meat after many furry wild animals had become extinct as a result of hunting and habitat destruction. Once the rabbit became wild it turned into a pest. Extensive damage to crops and disastrous sand drift were unforeseen and undesired results. Ultimately, the ecological succes of the rabbit was the cause of its loss of status.
Dam, Petra J.E.M. van
Verschenen in:
Innovation: Jrg. 14 (2001); nr. 2, p. 158-170
Met lit. opg.