Uw zoekacties: prof.dr. D. Cohen

181j_ENG prof.dr. D. Cohen ( NIOD Instituut voor Oorlogs-, Holocaust- en Genocidestudies )

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    Access conditions
    The archive is almost completely open to the public.

    Only inventory number 7 requires written approval by the director of the NIOD. For visitors who want that approval, a form can be found at the desk of the study hall at the NIOD.
    records creator
    citation and request instruction
    dates of accumulation
    custodial history/transfer to the RIOD
    scope and content
    system of arrangement
    appraisal, selection and scheduling
    legal status
    conditions governing reproduction
    language of the material
    physical characteristics
    David Cohen (Deventer 31 December 1882 - Amsterdam 3 September 1967) was chairman of the Jewish Council from February 1941 until September 1943. Before the war he was a professor of ancient history at the Municipal University Amsterdam and professor by special appointment at Leiden University. Besides his scientific career he was closely involved with helping Jewish refugees. He was secretary of the in 1933 established Committee for Special Jewish Interests.
    In November 1940 Cohen was removed from his position of professor due to his Jewish ancestry and fired in February 1941. After the liberation he was reinstated at the University of Amsterdam until his retirement in 1953.
    In September 1943 Cohen and the remaining members of the Jewish Council, including co-chairman Asscher, were arrested and transferred to Westerbork. Cohen experienced the liberation in the ghetto Theresienstadt. After the war he was prohibited by the Jewish Honour Council to take up any position within the Jewish community. In 1955 he wrote the book "Zwervend en Dolend: de joodse vluchtelingen in Nederland in de jaren 1933-1940" ("Wandering and Roaming: Jewish refugees in the Netherlands in the years 1933-1940")
    Cohen (middle) present at a raid in June 1943
    Summaries of documents
    request instruction

    Archive documents from this archive can be requests in the study hall of the NIOD
    quoting: collection 181j, inv.nr…
    The inventory number is listed in increasing numerical order,
    on the left of the description of the documents
    5 Regulations from the occupiers (German text) about the Dutch Jews and instructions relating to the Jewish Council, e.g. concerning professional practice, travel and moving options for Jews, descendant questions and questions concerning the so called mixed bloods, as well as a list of names by the German "zurückgestellte" Jewish lawyers over fifty years of age, 1 juni 1942 - 16 oktober 1943 i
    181j_ENG prof.dr. D. Cohen
    Regulations from the occupiers (German text) about the Dutch Jews and instructions relating to the Jewish Council, e.g. concerning professional practice, travel and moving options for Jews, descendant questions and questions concerning the so called mixed bloods, as well as a list of names by the German "zurückgestellte" Jewish lawyers over fifty years of age, 1 juni 1942 - 16 oktober 1943

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    over het archief:
    David Cohen (Deventer 31 December 1882 - Amsterdam 3 September 1967) was chairman of the Jewish Council from February 1941 until September 1943.
    The archive is almost completely open to the public.

    Only inventory number 7 requires written approval by the director of the NIOD. For visitors who want that approval, a form can be found at the desk of the study hall at the NIOD.
    0,1 meters (15 inventory numbers)