Uw zoekacties: Shanties From The Seven Seas,

Shanties From The Seven Seas ( Shanty Nederland )

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Shanties From The Seven Seas,
Shanties From The Seven Seas
2. First came the Herring sayin', 'I'm King o' the Seas'. He jumped on the poop, 'Oh, the Capen I'll be!' Ch. Then blow ye winds westerly, westerly blow, Our ship she's in full sail, Now steady she goes!
Another rather good tune, popular in the soutli of England, was
the following; I believe I had it from a Devonshire seaman. THE FISHES {b)
I II iiM you a. «nvt of « » ful, of Wit Ma.Oo'I'H ttuJtU-'«..„,„rt,..,>w<,..^.N.™. W.'« 3^ ^ou a .0^ oj ^ H oj' ijx. ««.Üy'I'H U^t^flïj^^i/^^am^^.WtK
Since the words of this shanty were olten sung to the tune of
Blow the Man Down, and as this famous tops'1 halyard shanty is next on our list, to save repetition, I will give the verses common to both in Blow the Man Down (4), verses 1-24. Blow the Man Down originated in the Western Ocean Sailing
Packets; it was the war-cry of the Packet Rats. The word 'blow' was a Packet Rat production meaning 'to knock' or in a broader sense 'to knock a man down by means of fist, belayin'-pin, or capstan-bar'. Chief Mates in the Western Ocean Packets were known as 'Blowers', Second Mates as 'Strikers', and Third Mates as 'Greasers'. The Western Ocean Law was a rule of the Fist with a capital F. A man could even work his way up to be Mate without a ticket, so long as he could handle himself and a tough crew. The toughest of the gangs of Packet Rats that manned these ships was the famous 'Bloody Forty' mentioned in one of Lubbock's books. 'Handspike Hash' and 'Belayin'-pin Soup' were the order of the day. C. Fox Smith gives a very fine description of a Mate of one of these Packet Ships:
He's a man that's shipped for fightin' 'cos his fists is iron-bound, An' generally speakin' you'll find his wind is sound; He's a dandy with a slung-shot, and you'd have to travel far Before ye'd find his equal with a heavy capstan bar. {Sea Songs and Ballads)
Some collectors think that the air of Blow the Man Down bears
some resemblance to the German carol Stille Macht, heilige Nacht, 154
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Organisatie: Shanty Nederland