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titel ( Shanty Nederland )

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Shanties From The Seven Seas,
Shanties From The Seven Seas
Naam uitgever:
Jaar van uitgave:
First Published 1961
Aantal pagina's:
Plaats van uitgave:
Collected by Stan Hugill
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Gold «;> Vap u Ut,Dp'iv t tl)ou6W.5V|twouWi«.ta)(«piy i^e S^or) !»J) fil-ra tti , ttl we. p Stikéla loni l^t low l«f>((>,Low )aj)<l»,Qsv« saiUcJ a long U)t low l<>p<l« toy ƒ Slight variants of these two tunes also exist, and in all versions
the words are very similar. Some sing 'they sewed him up in hide'. But the name of the ship differs widely; some versions give the Gold China Tree or the Marj Golden Tree; others have the IVeep Willow Tree, Golden Willow Tree, and Sweet Tnnitee. And the pirate ship has many names: the Turkish [or Spanish^ Canoe, the Turkish Roveree, and the Spanish Gahalee being some. One version makes the cabin-boy threaten:
'If it warn't for my love for your daughter an' your men, I would do unto you as I did unto them, I would use my trusty auger an' do the job again, An' I'd sink ye in the Lowlands Low.'
And sometimes the story wound up joyfully:
'So we took him up aboard an' we praised him joyfully, For he'd saved us from the hands of the Turkish piratee, And the skipper gave his daughter, fairest in the North Countree, When they sailed upon the Lowlands Low.'
Another shanty with the Lowlands theme was Lowlands Away. Originally a pumping song, it was later used at windlass and capstan. It was never too popular,
as it was difficult to sing properly—Whall
describes it as a 'recitative type' of song. I t savours of a shore-ballad with words unusually sentimental for seamen. Some think it is of North Country origin, and the words appear to justify this, but the tune has a Negro touch about it. More than likely it is one of the songs that passed through the shanty mart of the Gulf Ports as referred to in the Introduction. C. F. Smith, who strangely enough gives it as a halyard shanty, declares i t was practic. Uy extinct by the eighties,
and Terry says that after the China clipper era it was 60
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Organisatie: Shanty Nederland