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titel ( Shanty Nederland )

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Shanties From The Seven Seas,
Shanties From The Seven Seas
Naam uitgever:
Jaar van uitgave:
First Published 1961
Aantal pagina's:
Plaats van uitgave:
Collected by Stan Hugill
2. I took this fair maid for a walk. Ch. Bless you, young women!
I took this fair maid for a walk. Ch. Now mind what I do say!
I took this fair maid for a walk, An' we had such a lovin' talk. Ch. I'll go no more, etc.
3. An' didn't I tell her stories true. Of the gold we found in Timbuctoo.
4. But when she'd spent me bloomin' screw, She cut her cable an' vanished too.
Other stanzas with a genuine ring are:
I met her walking on the Strand, Dressed up for to beat the band.
In Number One New England Square, Me Nancy Dawson she lives there. This last ten months I've bin to sea. Ah' hell, this gal looked good to me.
Versions which give
I kissed that maid and went away, Said she, 'Young man, why don't ye stay?'
contrive to bring the shanty to a close without carrying out the true amours of Jack! Another shanty singing of Jack's amours is the one which I will
call The Girls of Chile. It was an outward-bound anchor song, and a version is also to be found in Captain Robinson's collection; Miss Colcord also gives it, but she had it from Captain Robinson. He gives it the title oï Hero Bangidero, his first and third refrains being 'To my Hero Bangidero', but this refrain, on his own admission, was never sung—being bawdy, it had to be camouflaged. In fact both the verses and refrains I have had to alter to make the song printable. Sailors abused 'furrin lingoes' no end—it was quite a pastime in the old days—and the original refrains of this shanty were nothing more than bawdy alterations of Spanish phrases. Here is a typical example —the name sailors of the sail gave for Valparaiso: 'Wallop-me-ass- with-a-razor'! I had my version from Mike O'Rourke, a fine old Irish seaman who had spent much time in the W.C.S.A. trade— that is, in Liverpool Cape Horners which traded to the ports of Peru and Chile to load guano and nitrates. I think the reason it is rarely found in print is not because it only circulated among seamen in certain trades, as some believe, but because of the difficulty of camouflaging it. This applies to many so- called rare shanties.
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Organisatie: Shanty Nederland