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titel ( Shanty Nederland )

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Shanties From The Seven Seas,
Shanties From The Seven Seas
Naam uitgever:
Jaar van uitgave:
First Published 1961
Aantal pagina's:
Plaats van uitgave:
Collected by Stan Hugill
Shanties telling of John's Shore Activities ; of the Gals ; of Booze and Limejuice; Shanghaiing; the Lowlands Family ; the Stormalong Group ; Mexico and Rio ; the Sacramento and California ; Goodbyes and Hurrahs
^ g FEEL that we cannot do better than start this com- m\m parative work on shanties with one which embodies all [/m Sailor John's roving and amorous activities—the shanty in m question being that popular capstan song A-rovirC.
^^_> ^ A-rovxrC was originally sung at the pumps and old-fashioned windlass. In both labours—at the pump and at the windlass—two long levers were worked up and down by the men: a back-breaking job. These levers—in the case of pumps they were known as 'brakes' —had a long wooden handle inserted in their outboard ends, enabling three or four men to grasp each brake. Many shanties started life at the pump-brakes or old-fashioned windlass levers. Later, when ships began to use capstans with a large windlass below the fo'c'sle-head and iron ships began to replace wooden ones, there- by doing away with the arduous toil of pumping ship with mono- tonous regularity, watch and watch, these shanties were adapted for use at the capstan and more modern and not so often used flywheel or Downton pump. Naturally in their conversion the tune and words remained un-
altered, but the rhythm very often had to be adjusted to the new type of job. A-rovin' is, I feel, always sung much too fast by modem professional singers. The words 'A-rovin', a-rovin" should be timed to fit the downward movement of a four-foot-diameter pump- wheel. The flywheel pump handles, like the old-fashioned levers, allowed only three or four men at the most to do the job, but in the case of the former, so that many more hands could be employed, 43
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Organisatie: Shanty Nederland