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Boxing The Compass - Sea Songs And Shanties ( Shanty Nederland )

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Boxing The Compass - Sea Songs And Shanties, Captain Barton's Distress
Boxing The Compass - Sea Songs And Shanties
Captain Barton's Distress
Naam uitgever:
Herron Publishing
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Plaats van uitgave:
Yorkshire England
Roy Palmer
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Without any substinence but dead hogs and sheep That was drove on shore by the sea from the ship
For seven days together with us did remain, Our bodies quite naked for to increase our pain
Till some Christian merchant that lives in the land, Sent us relief by his bountiful hand
Unto our fleet the same fate did share,
Then unto Morocco we all marched there, Where they are captives in slavery to be
Till old England thought proper for to set them free When the black king we all came before
He stroked his long beard, by Mahomet he swore. They are all stout and able, and fit for the hoe Pray, to my gardens, pray let them go
We had cruel Moors our drivers to be
By the dawn of the day at the hoe we must be Until four o clock in the afternoon.
Without any submission, boys Work was our doom If that you offer for to strike a Moor,
Straightway to the king they will have you before. Where they will bastinade you till you have your fill If that will not do you, blood they will spill
So now in Morocco we shall remain Until our ambassador cross the main,
Where our ransom he 11 bring, and soon set us free. And then to Gibraltar we will go speedily
So now, my brave boys, to old England we re bound. We will have store of liquors our sorrow [to] drown We will drink a good health Success never fail Success to the bawd and the whores of Kinsale
Notes Kinsale] in Ireland doree] in West Africa black king] the Emperor of Morocco submission] remission bastinade] beat on the soles of the feet
In December 1758 Goree was seized from the French Commodore Keppels fleet encountered a gale while outward bound on 28 November The loss of the Lichfield is mentioned in a ballad celebrating the victory at Goree
So steering on the lee shore until the break of day, 122
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Organisatie: Shanty Nederland