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Organisatie: Archivo Boneiru
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2502 Arco Bonaire, 2005 - 2009
2005 - 2009
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233 van 964
We do not know what to make of this. Both enthusiastic and damaging reports can be found on the net. The essential question, of course, is: 'Does it work?' Or maybe we should also ask why it should be so essential to be healed of a terminal disease? Not everybody seeks a faith healer to be healed. Many people suffering from a terminal illness are quite ready to die. Perhaps these people have more faith than those who flock to a faith healer. You've got to wonder, though, whether what John of God does is possible. How can a cataract successfully be removed with a dirty kitchen knife without anaesthetics and without any infection as a result? If such things do in fact take place, you have to accept that there is something about prayer and faith or 'mind over matter' (or spirits, or simply 'God') that can in extraordinary ways contribute to healing. Is John of God performing miracles? We can't say. But even if it is all baloney, something seems to be going on that's pretty baffling. It should be researched. Whenever one reads reports about faith healings and suchlike phenomena, there are always strong believers and die-hard scoffers. The testimonials of the believers are often questionable and can never be independently verified. But the arguments of the scoffers do not convince either. Sooner or later their arguments run up into dead-end streets. Usually sooner. The scoffers are always insisting we should be rational, as though they had a clue as to what reason is. But they don't. They tell us not to let emotion take over, as though they knew the difference between reason and emotion. But, again, they don't. Least of all do they know anything about faith. So what the hell are they talking about? Therefore, maybe the believers do have an edge. For at least they have faith. So, the only way to find out is to go and see for yourself. If you go, go for healing. We advise readers not to try any operation (such as a cataract operation) as performed by John of God. Until we
Gevonden alinea's: 2
Organisatie: Archivo Boneiru