Uw zoekacties: Zoeken in de toegangen Benthem, prof. dr. J.F.A.K. van, te Bloemendaal

432 Benthem, prof. dr. J.F.A.K. van, te Bloemendaal ( Noord-Hollands Archief )

Uitleg bij archieftoegang

Een archieftoegang geeft uitgebreide informatie over een bepaald archief.

Een archieftoegang bestaat over het algemeen uit de navolgende onderdelen:

• Kenmerken van het archief
• Inleiding op het archief
• Inventaris of plaatsingslijst
• Eventueel bijlagen

De kenmerken van het archief zijn o.m. de omvang, vindplaats, beschikbaarheid, openbaarheid en andere.

De inleiding op het archief bevat interessante informatie over de geschiedenis van het archief, achtergronden van de archiefvormer en kan ook aanwijzingen voor het gebruik bevatten.

De inventaris of plaatsingslijst is een hiërarchisch opgebouwd overzicht van beschreven archiefstukken. De beschrijvingen zijn formeel en globaal. Het lezen en begrijpen van een inventaris behoeft enige oefening en ervaring.

Bij het zoeken in de inventaris wordt de hiërarchie gevolgd. De rubrieken in de inventaris maken deel uit van de beschrijving op een lager niveau. Komt de zoekterm in een hoger niveau voor, dan voldoen onderliggende niveaus ook aan de zoekvraag.

1. Topic of the papers
2. Preparation of the papers
3. Organization of the papers
Appendix: List of abbreviations
AAMAS Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems
AI Artificial Intelligence
AiLA Associazione Italiana di Logica i sui Applicazioni
AiML Conference on Advances in Modal Logic
AIO Assistent in Opleiding
ALIASS Logic and Language Seminar, University of Groningen
AMOLF Institute for Atomic and Molecular Physics, Amsterdam
ANTW Algemeen Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Wijsbegeerte
APA American Philosophical Association
ASL Association of Symbolic Logic
ATW Algemene Taalwetenschap
AUC Amsterdam University College
AUP Amsterdam University Press
AUTOMATH Automating Mathematics Computer System
AVRO Dutch Public Broadcasting Company
BBC British Broadcasting Corporation
Beida Peking University
BLIND Electronic Student Journal, University of Amsterdam
BNU Beijing Normal University
BNVKI Belgisch-Nederlandse Vereniging voor Kunstmatige Intelligentie
CAS Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing
CASBS Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences, Stanford
CAVIA Vereniging Studenten Informatiewetenschappen, University of Amsterdam
Cimedart Centrale Interfaculteit Mededelingen en Artikelen, University of Amsterdam
CLLI Seminar Computing with Logic, Language and Information, ILLC Amsterdam
CLMPS Congress of Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science
CMU Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh
CNRS Conseil National de Recherches Scientifiques
Coling Conference on Computational Linguistics
CREA Cultureel Studenten Centrum, University of Amsterdam
CRS Cylindric Relativized Set Algebras
CS Computer Science
CSCA Amsterdam Center for Cognitive Science
CSLI Center for the Study of Language and Information, Stanford
CUNY City University of New York
CWI Center for Mathematics and Computer Science, Amsterdam
DEL Dynamic-Epistemic Logic
DEON Conference on Deontic Logic and Normative Systems
DESDA Association Mathematics Students, Radboud University Nijmegen
DFG Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft
DFKI Deutsches Forschungszentrum für Künstliche Intelligenz, Saarbrücken
DGL Dynamic Game Logic
DLMPS Division of Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science
DYANA Dynamic Analysis of Natural Language, European Community Research
Project, ILLC Amsterdam
EACL European Association for Computational Linguistics
EASSLLC East Asian Summer School in Logic, Language and Computation
ECAI European Conference on Artificial Intelligence
ENRAC Electronic News Journal of Reasoning about Actions and Change
EPGY Educational Program for Gifted Youth, Stanford
ESF European Science Foundation
ESPRIT European Strategic Research Program on Information Technology
ESSLLI European Summer School in Language, Logic and Information
ETL Epistemic-Temporal Logic
FAPR Conference on Formal and Applied Practical Reasoning
FEW Formal Epistemology Workshop
FliRT Workshop Fixed-Point Logics and Reasoning about Trees, ILLC Amsterdam
FNWI Faculteit der Wiskunde en Natuurwetenschappen, University of Amsterdam
FOL First-Order Logic
FO(LFP) Fixed-Point Extension of First-Order Logic
FoLLI European Foundation of Logic, Language and Information
FotFS Conference Foundations of the Formal Sciences
FUF Vereniging Filosofie Studenten, Utrecht University
GASS Project Games, Actions, and Social Software, NIAS Wassenaar
GLLC Workshop on Games, Logic, Language, and Computation
Gloriclass Marie Curie Training Site for Logic and Games, ILLC Amsterdam
GMD Forschungszentrum Informationstechnik GmbH, Sankt Augustin
GRAM Groningen-Amsterdam Logic Meeting
GRASS Groningen-Amsterdam Studies in Semantics
HCRC Human Communication Research Centre, Edinburgh
I2O Instituut voor Interdisciplinaire Opleidingen, University of Amsterdam
IBM International Business Machines Corporation
ICCS International Conference on Conceptual Structures
ICLA Indian International Conference on Logic and its Applications
ICOT Institute for New Generation Computer Technology, Tokyo
ICS Institute for Information and Computer Sciences, Utrecht
ICT Information and Communication Technology
IFCOLOG International Federation for Computational Logic
IGPL Interest Group in Propositional Logics
IHPST Institut pour lHistoire et la Philosophie des Sciences et de la Technologie, Paris
IIS Institute for Interdisciplinary Studies, University of Amsterdam
IITK Indian Institute for Technology, Mumbai
IJCAI International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence
IJCAR International Joint Conference on Automated Reasoning
ILC Institute for Logic and Cognition, Guangzhou
ILIKS Interdisciplinary Laboratory on Interacting Knowledge Systems, University of Trento
ILLC Institute for Logic, Language and Computation, University of Amsterdam
IMS Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Chennai
IRCS Institute for Research in Cognitive Science, Philadelphia
IS-CORE Project Information Systems: Correctness and Reusability
ISLA Intelligent Systems Lab Amsterdam
ITS-irst Istituto per la Ricerca Scientifica e Tecnologica, Trento
JAIST Japan Institute for Science and Technology
JELIA Journées Européennes de Logique en Intelligence Artificielle
JRC Amsterdam Tsinghua Joint Research Center in Logic
KNAW Royal Dutch Academy of Arts and Sciences
KRA Knowledge, Rationality and Action, journal and workshop
Labex Laboratoires dExcellence, French National Research Council
LCNS Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science
LIB Logic in Bonn Day, Amsterdam
LICS Conference Logic in Computer Science
LILAC Laboratory for Information, Language and Interaction, Stanford
LINT Research Project Logic for Interaction
LIRA Logic and Interactive Rationality Seminar, ILLC Amsterdam
LOFT Conference Logic and the Foundations of Game Theory and Decision Theory
LOGAMAS Workshop Logic, Games and Multi-Agent Systems, Liverpool
LOGICA Logic Conferences Czech Academy of Sciences
LogICCC Program Modeling Intelligent Interaction: Logic in the Humanities, Social and Computational Sciences, European Science Foundation
LogiCiC Project The Logical Structure of Correlated Information Change, Amsterdam
LoLaCo Logic, Language and Computation Basic Course, ILLC Amsterdam
LORI Conference on Logic, Rationality and Interaction
LSA Linguistic Society of America
MA Massachusetts
MC Mathematisch Centrum Amsterdam
MICC Instituut voor Kennis en Informatietechnologie, University of Maastricht
MIT Massachusetts Institute of Technology
MoL Master of Logic Program, ILLC Amsterdam
NAIC Nederlandse AI Conferentie
NASSLLI North-American Summer School on Logic, Language and Information
NEMO Science Museum Amsterdam
NIAS Netherlands Institute for Advanced Studies, Wassenaar
NNIL Non-Nested Implication Logics
NOMEN Linguïstisch Gezelschap Leiden
NOS Nederlandse Omroep Stichting
NRC NRC Handelsblad
N.S. Nova Scotia
NWO Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research
NY New York
OBA Openbare Bibliotheek Amsterdam
OECD The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development
OTS Onderzoeksinstituut voor Taal en Spraak, Utrecht
OZSL Nederlandse Onderzoeksschool Logica
OZSW Nederlandse Onderzoeksschool Wijsbegeerte
PAO Post-Academisch Onderwijs
PARC Xerox Palo Alto Research Center
PILM Conference Philosophical Insights into Logic and Mathematics, Nancy
PINTO Natural Language Seminar, University of Groningen
RELMICS Conference on Relational Methods in Computer Science
REX Research and Education in Concurrent Systems
RU Radboud University Nijmegen
RUG University of Groningen
SAT Satisfiability Problem
SDU Staatsdrukkerij, Den Haag
SFU Simon Fraser University, Burnaby
SIKS Dutch Research School for Information and Knowledge Systems
SIMIAN Distinguished Lecture Series East China Normal University, Shanghai
SMART Speech, Language, Music, Art, Reasoning and Thought Project, University of Amsterdam
SOCREAL Conference on Philosophy and Ethics of Social Reality
SPUI Spui 25 Cultural Center, University of Amsterdam
SRI Stanford Research International, Menlo Park
SSLPS Swiss Society for Logic and Philosophy of Science STRATEGIES Workshop Logic and Strategies, Groningen
STRATMAS Project Strategies in Multi-Agent Systems, Amsterdam and Groningen
TABU Taalkundig Bulletin Groningen
TARK Conference on Theoretical Aspects of Reasoning about Knowledge and Rationality
TIME Conference on Temporal Representation and Reasoning
TROS Dutch Public Broadcasting Company
TU Technical University
UBC University of British Columbia, Vancouver
UC University of California
UCLA University of California at Los Angeles
UCSC University of California at Santa Cruz
UiL Utrecht Institute for Linguistics
UK United Kingdom
UNAM Universidad Autonoma de Mexico
UNISA University of South Africa
UP University Press
UPenn University of Pennsylvania
UU University of Utrecht
UvA University of Amsterdam
VARA Dutch Public Broadcasting Company
VPRO Dutch Public Broadcasting Company
VTB Programma Verbreding Techniek Basisonderwijs, Dutch Ministry of Education, Den Haag
VU Free University Amsterdam
VvL Dutch Association of Logic
VWO Voorbereidend Wetenschappelijk Onderwijs
WEIS Studentenvereniging Wiskunde en Informaticastudenten, University of Amsterdam ZSU Soon Yat-sen University, Guangzhou


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Haarlem, Jansstraat, raadpleging mogelijk na transport
Engelstalige inventaris inv.nrs. 1-1014. Inv.nrs. 911-933 zijn alleen in digitale vorm beschikbaar. Nadere informatie over de raadpleging bij de informatiebalie. Lijst met gebruikte afkortingen in de inventaris. Prof. dr. J.F.A.K. van Benthem (1949-) is professor in de logica.