Uw zoekacties: Beth, prof. dr. E.W., te Amsterdam

423 Beth, prof. dr. E.W., te Amsterdam ( Noord-Hollands Archief )

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1. Biographical note
2. History, scope and contents of the Evert Willem Beth Papers
3. Arrangement and description
4. Directions for the user of this inventory
5. Bibliography
4. Appendices
4.14. Appendix 14; list of subjects in the 'Bibliotheca E.W. Beth'
423 Beth, prof. dr. E.W., te Amsterdam
4. Appendices
Appendix 14; list of subjects in the 'Bibliotheca E.W. Beth'
Supplement to inv.nr. 912, 'Catalog of the Bibliotheca E.W. Beth'
This list of subjects was composed by the staff of the 'Bibliotheek van de faculteit der wijsbegeerte' of the University of Amsterdam, where the 'Bibliotheca E.W. Beth' is housed. The subjects have been translated into English.
Organisatie: Noord-Hollands Archief
BETH: Publications of E.W. Beth
A. Philosophy in general
1. Bibliographies
2. Lexica. Introductions. Overviews
3. Studies on pre-1900 philosophers
4. History of ideas
5. Logical positivism
6. Analytical philosophy. Significs
7. Other modern philosophy
B. Knowledge and science
1. Theory of knowledge
2. Philosophy and science
3. Philosophy of nature
4. Science and life
C. Theory of science. Methodology
1. Theory of science: Introductions, overviews, anthologies and readers
2. Methodology
3. Space and time. Causality
4. Physics
5. Other sciences
D. History of the exact sciences
1. History of mathematics
2. History of the physical sciences and technology
E. History of logic
F. Philosophical logic
1. Textbooks. Overviews
2. Critical works. Miscellaneous
G. Mathematical logic
1. Sources
2. Introductions and overviews
3. Special subjects
4. Modal logic and many-valued logic
5. Inductive logic
6. Exact semantics
H. Mathematics. Foundations of mathematics
1. Dictionaries. Reference books
2. Philosophy of mathematics
3. Research into foundations
4. Set theory
5. Special subjects
I. Automation. Information science
J. Linguistics
K. Psychology and pedagogy
1. Psychology
2. Pedagogy and didactics
L. Congresses
M. Journals
N. Dictionaries
O. Miscellaneous


Omvang in meters:
Periode documenten:
1920-1964 (1980)
gedeeltelijk openbaar
Opheffing openbaarheidsbeperking:
toestemming directeur
Haarlem, Jansstraat, raadpleging mogelijk na transport
Engelstalige inventaris inv.nrs. 1-912. Inzage wordt slechts verleend nadat de verzoeker schriftelijk heeft verklaard bekend te zijn met het feit dat de auteursrechten en de intellectuele eigendom met betrekking tot dit archief berusten bij de Evert Willem Beth Stichting. Inv.nrs. 171, 177 en 215 zijn pas openbaar vanaf 2051. Prof. dr. E.W. Beth (1908-1964) was filosoof, logicus, wiskundige en hoogleraar aan de Universiteit van Amsterdam.