Uw zoekacties: Plaatselijke Commissie van Toezicht op het Lager Onderwijs Freudenthal, prof. dr. H., te Utrecht

615 Freudenthal, prof. dr. H., te Utrecht ( Noord-Hollands Archief )

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1. Biographical note
2. History, scope and contents of The Hans Freudenthal Papers
3. Arrangement and description
4. Directions for the user of this inventory
5. List of abbreviations used in this inventory
6. Bibliography
7. Alphabetical index of titles
7.1. ResumƩ of titles of Freudenthal's books, articles, lectures and unpublished manuscripts
This index contains titles of published and unpublished work by Freudenthal of which a (nearly) complete text was found in the Freudenthal Papers. The reviews written by Freudenthal which were assembled by him in one file (inv.nr. 1714) have not been included in this index. His unpublished reviews and the reviews he included in his official bibliography have been incorporated in the index.
The untitled manuscripts have been listed in the index under their opening words between brackets [ ]. Supplied titles appear between brackets [ ] and quotation marks ''.
The titles have been arranged alphabetically. Each entry includes an indication of its type and a reference to an inventory number. The following abbreviations were used:
A = article
B = book
D = discussion
E = encyclopedia contribution
IO = inaugural oration
Iv = interview
Lt = letter to the editor
N = newspaper article
Pf = preface
R = review
U = unpublished work/ work of which the publication could not be ascertained
U/F = unpublished work of fiction
If a title was used more than once by Freudenthal, the entries have been arranged chronologically. Published translations of books and articles and published later editions of books and articles have been included as separate entries.
7.1.3. C
615 Freudenthal, prof. dr. H., te Utrecht
7. Alphabetical index of titles
7.1. ResumĆ© of titles of Freudenthal's books, articles, lectures and unpublished manuscripts
Organisatie: Noord-Hollands Archief
'De C.M.L.-wiskunde: een interview met prof. dr. H. Freudenthal' (Iv): Inv.nr. 1848
'Capillairen, zonsverduistering en binnenoor' (Het Trippenhuis) (N): Inv.nr. 1504
'Carl Friedrich Gauss: de princeps mathematicorum overleden op 23 Februari 1855' (N): Inv.nr. 1510
'Cauchy, Augustin-Louis' (U): Inv.nr. 552
'Cauchy, Augustin-Louis' (U): Inv.nr. 566
'Cauchy, Augustin-Louis' (E): Inv.nr. 1291
'Causaliteit en waarschijnlijkheid' (U): Inv.nr. 513
'Change in mathematics education since the late 1950's: ideas and realisation' (A): Inv.nr. 1112
'Change in mathematics education since the late 1950's: ideas and realisation: the Netherlands' (A): Inv.nr. 1114
'Chasles' (U): Inv.nr. 464
[Cher Monsieur, dans la vie humain il y a des dates...] (U): Inv.nr. 519
[Chers collĆØgues, Pour introduire nos discussions sur l'enseignement des probabilitĆ©s...] (U): Inv.nr. 588
'China' (A): Inv.nr. 1272
'Christiaan Huygens' (E): Inv.nr. 1192
'Christiaan Huygens' (U): Inv.nr. 464
'Cirkelgang' (N): Inv.nr. 1452
'CITO: leerdoelgerichte toetsen' (A): Inv.nr. 1217
'Clifford-Wolf-Isometrien geometrischer RƤume' (A): Inv.nr. 902
'Cognitieve ontwikkeling: kinderen geobserveerd' (A): Inv.nr. 1104
'Cognitive development: observing learning processes' (U): Inv.nr. 650
'A combinatorial problem of biochemical origin' (A): Inv.nr. 840
'Commentary on the paper of Herbert Mehrtens' (A): Inv.nr. 1274
'Committeren' (A): Inv.nr. 1613
'A comparative study of methods of initiation into geometry: report submitted on behalf of the International Commission on Mathematical Instruction (ICMI) at the International Congress of Mathematicians held at Edinburgh, 1958' (A): Inv.nr. 854
'Complexistaan' (U): Inv.nr. 464
'Compte rendu du dƩbat du samedi 12 avril 1975 entre Mme Krygowska et M. Freudenthal' (D): Inv.nr. 1069
'The concept of integration at the Varna congress' (A): Inv.nr. 972
'Concepts attainment: remarks on the documents presented by Herbert J. Klausmeier' (U): Inv.nr. 608
'Een congres over de sociale aspecten van recrutering der studenten' (N): Inv.nr. 1597
'The connections between the E7-geometry and the configuration of the 28 double tangents to the curve of order 4' (A): Inv.nr. 1097
'Het constminnende genootschap onder de zinspreuk "Bijdt uw tijd"' (F): Inv.nrs. 284 and 160
'ContinuĆÆteit en discontinuĆÆteit' (N): Inv.nr. 1616
'Cosmic language' (A): Inv.nr. 1062
'Un cours de gƩomƩtrie' (A): Inv.nr. 997
'The cradle of modern topology according to Brouwer's inedita' (A): Inv.nr. 1073
'Creativity' (A): Inv.nr. 1092
'Critiek op de zogenaamde eerste hoofdwet van de biologie, de onmogelijkheid van generatio spontanea' (A): Inv.nr. 843
'Die Crux im Lehrgangsentwurf zur Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie' (A): Inv.nr. 1101
'The crux of course design in probability' (A): Inv.nr. 1051


Omvang in meters:
Periode documenten:
gedeeltelijk openbaar
Opheffing openbaarheidsbeperking:
toestemming directeur
Haarlem, Jansstraat, raadpleging mogelijk na transport
Engelstalige inventaris inv.nrs. 1-1918. Bij de volgende inv.nrs. zijn beperkende bepalingen ten aanzien van de openbaarheid gesteld. Inv.nr. 165 openbaar vanaf 2026, inv.nrs. 166, 168 vanaf 2060, inv.nr. 170 vanaf 2046, inv.nr. 171 vanaf 2066. Prof. dr. H. Freudenthal (1905-1990) was wiskundige, wiskundedidacticus, publicist en hoogleraar aan de Universiteit van Utrecht.