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Kaarten met nummer 3
3G01 Brabantiae Belgarum Provinciae Recens Exactaque Descriptio: Recente en Nauwkeurige Beschrijving van de Provincie Brabant

In 1999 two small woodcut maps of the 'Southern Netherlands' (between 1577 and 1585) and of the 'Duchy of Brabant' (after 1577) were discovered. Both undated maps were signed by Antonius van Leest and printed at The Golden Hand ('in Manu Aurea') in Antwerp. Antonius van Leest (about 1545 - after 1592), a many-sided wood-cutter and printer, was active in the offices of Plantin/Plantijn and of Bernard van den Putte. Around 1577 he bought the printing office of Nicolas van Asse, the brother-in-law of Van den Putte. In1585 he fled to the northern Netherlands, where he died probably around 1592. In 1595 the printing office was sold by his widow [bron: Caert-Tresoor.nl; H. vd. Heijden]. , c. 1580
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Brabantiae Belgarum Provinciae Recens Exactaque Descriptio: Recente en Nauwkeurige Beschrijving van de Provincie Brabant

In 1999 two small woodcut maps of the 'Southern Netherlands' (between 1577 and 1585) and of the 'Duchy of Brabant' (after 1577) were discovered. Both undated maps were signed by Antonius van Leest and printed at The Golden Hand ('in Manu Aurea') in Antwerp. Antonius van Leest (about 1545 - after 1592), a many-sided wood-cutter and printer, was active in the offices of Plantin/Plantijn and of Bernard van den Putte. Around 1577 he bought the printing office of Nicolas van Asse, the brother-in-law of Van den Putte. In1585 he fled to the northern Netherlands, where he died probably around 1592. In 1595 the printing office was sold by his widow [bron: Caert-Tresoor.nl; H. vd. Heijden].
c. 1580
Anthonis van Leest te Antwerpen
38 x 51 cm
Vindplaats origineel:
Den Bosch
Gedrukt, opgeplakt op karton
Oosten boven
RESTAUREREN. Noordgrens Tiel, Rotterdam, westgrens Tholen, Dendermonde, zuidgrens Namen, oostgrens Aken, Venlo

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