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49 1st Corps Intelligence Summary No. 143. Inlichtingenrapport
31 januari 1945
Inclusief getekende kaart van zuid-Zuid-Holland met sterkte van Duitse troepen, verkregen na inlichtingen van lokale burgers
1 omslag
23 van 45
"At the sace time as they launch their offensive WEST of the RHINE! the Germans continue to hold on in the Atlantic pockets. There also, they rSnd us by theS irksone presence that v/e are at war and the whole nation must put itself at the service of the FFI who fight and die to heal the five wounds of FRANŒ. When the Atlantic Wall was dislocated 30,000 men allowed themselves to be surrounded with arms and munitions, into five sectors, five pockets which now form , five fronts # as follows, from NORTH to SOUTH: of Proix 3 ® Ct0r » ^ ich ^eludes mainly the. port'of Lorient and the islands of ° 1 and Belle-Ile. The Quiberon Peninsula and the coastal zone Ground Ct-rnac constitutes a .no-man* s-land, a patrolling sector. Mr,p"OTm, f JlrC '‘ I f €r i f ' UrC ' seotor > * ioh is a much larger pocket in which the the > ^ 2,lIIiE “ re proteotea b 5' the -arsh-land that lies between Koirjroutier ^ yeu! t<irrltory 000u P iea by the inclndes the islands of T ?f La Roche l le sector, in the middle of which the town forms a re-trenched occupied. 3 ab ° ard a PP roache s being covered by the islands of Re and Óleron also and BordeaSr Cl °^ S the Gironde ^d renders, .useless L e Verdon ' helps' Äc U e^r 0t0r * WhiÓh CrOSSeS fire Vdth the ^ sector and thus sectors > the Germans, .owing to the fact that they have at their disputai all the.means aimed at opposing the Allied landing, have succeeded in putting dov/n a thick concentration of artillery• whilst having -1 their H-i i a few tanks good heavy infantry .ateriai, a pLSll artISfry 'Sïï ofSÎ thäf o? kodërnff ffrSi! 1 Sïplof fhicf are =S : - 20 LdTo S Äch n se r rs Ïo^LMfufSf tt^r 0Ver V** ° f ZVr'ïLr: Ä tion the “ - ---- - Äln the Æ2S —— liSÄireSeflf ordef to answe^fSL'frtlîSv^d aîtf f * heG,i — s had so far, in which only compares with that which thev WfA'thT Lei ' en3 ^' ,e system armament that it will be impossible to reduce the nockf %I?T' 14 te °°™* «««* tahkf fank^destroyersf anti—tank^gung 8 sacking fS^s“, ffLAS ^tT“* sour
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