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Archiefcollectie ( Bedrijfshistorie Nationale-Nederlanden )

De historische collectie van Nationale-Nederlanden bevat de archieven van diverse rechtsvoorgangers en wordt beheerd door de afdeling Bedrijfshistorie NN.

De jaarverslagen, tijdschriften en circulaires zijn inmiddels gedigitaliseerd en beschikbaar voor onderzoek. In deze collectie treft u de voorgangers van NN waaronder De Nederlanden van 1845, Nationale Levensverzekering-Bank, Eerste Rotterdamsche, Haagsche van 1805, Fatum, Nationale-Nederlanden, Vesta, Victoria, Victoria-Vesta, De Zeven Provinciën, RVS, Amfas, Hollandsche Societeit, Amstleven, Nederlandsche Lloyd, Arnhemsche Verzekeringsmaatschappij, OHRA en Delta Lloyd.


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World Wide News, NN, 1972-10-01; p. 12
World Wide News, NN
Long, long ago the large valley in which "Windhoek” now lies, was known as "Aigams”, the Hottentot word for the hot springs found there. This was superseded by the name "Winterhoek”. When the Ger-mans ( Germans ) settled in the territory and in 1890 made it their capital they renamed it "Windhuk''. In 1915 the South Africans took over the city and changed its spelling to the present Windhoek. To-day it is a flourishing and progressive city and part of its fascination lies in its wide diversity of people, languages and customs. Windhoek's fast-growing population is cur-rently ( currently ) about 65,000 of which 36,000 are Whites, 5,000 Basters and Coloureds and 24,000 Bantu or Africans. The main African population groups are the Hereros (20%), Namas (8%), Damaras (32%), Ovambos (30%) and Mbanderos (10%). In its march towards prosperity South West Africa has not forgotten its past nor its environment which is in many respects unique to scientists, being relatively un-touched ( untouched ) by Man and his civilisation. Much of the history of the country can be seen at the Alte Feste or Old Fort in Wind-hoek ( Windhoek ) which is now an historical monument and houses a museum. German is one of the three official lan-guages ( languages ) of the territory and this is the only European language which most of the ur-banized ( urbanized ) Africans speak. In the hotel where I stayed in Windhoek I heard the precise tones of the receptionist calling over the loudspeaker "Achtung! Herr Hassler, bit-te!” ( bitte!” ) As an afterthought she repeated the announcement in Afrikaans and then in English. The entire hotel gives the impres-sion ( impression ) of having been snatched up from a German hillside and dumped in the middle of the city. Like all hotels in Germany, the hotels in Windhoek have the appearance of having been opened only yesterday. Every-thing ( Everything ) is wellkept and functions with the effic
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