Uw zoekacties: International Humanist and Ethical Union (IHEU)

1733 International Humanist and Ethical Union (IHEU) ( Het Utrechts Archief )

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Institutional history
Aims and founding
Working Parties
International representation
1733 International Humanist and Ethical Union (IHEU)
Institutional history
International representation
Organisatie: Het Utrechts Archief
The 1952 Amsterdam congress had in three out of its five resolutions pledged support for United Nations ideals. One of the first tasks the Executive Committee took upon itself, was therefore to become a consultative member of unesco. Theo Polet was the IHEU representative; he was succeeded by Ernst van Brakel (1967-1980).
In the 1970s IHEU began to expand its network of international representatives, which up until then had been restricted to two posts (unesco at Paris, and United Nations at New York). In 1981 the Board decided that it would be useful if IHEU were not only represented at the European Parliament, but also at the Council of Europe, where more European states are represented.
The second new IHEU post was at the United Nations in Geneva, where A. James Dilloway has been the IHEU representative from 1976 to 1997. Since 1981 the IHEU has also been represented at the United Nations in Vienna.
Around 1990 two IHEU representatives were added to the already existing five. As the powers of the European institutions increased. One year later IHEU was also given consultative status at unicef, New York. Representation in Brussels has been taken over in 1993 by the European Humanist Federation, which effectively consists of the European IHEU member organizations. In 2000 the IHEU status at the United Nations was upgraded to 'Special Consultative ngo Status', which automatically entitles IHEU to contribute statements to ecosoc, the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations (New York), where IHEU until then was not represented. To be more effective, several IHEU delegations have since the early 1990s been enlarged and reformed. For instance, the team at the United Nations in New York now consists of five persons.
Concern with Human Rights
Publications on the history of IHEU
History and Describing of the archives


Inventory of the archive of the International Humanist and Ethical Union (IHEU) (1947) 1952-1998 (2006)
R. Ouwehand
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23,3 m